Disclaimer: Handwritten notes posted here are what I used for the actual talk, but they were never intended to be seen by the public: most contain unreferenced results, and likely contain errors. These talks can potentially expose you to ideas known to the State of California to cause confusion.

Recorded Talks

Higher Entropy
Symposium on Categorical Semantics of Entropy ("sycsey"); CUNY graduate center; May 13, 2022

Link to Video on YouTube

Handwritten Notes: PDF

Show Abstract

The Secret Topological Life of Shared Information
String Math 2020; July 29, 2020.

Link to Video on YouTube

Slides: Error-Corrected Slides (PDF) or Slides Used in Recorded video

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The Joy of Watching your BPS States Grow Up.
Texas A&M High Energy Theory Seminar; September 8, 2014.

Link to Video on YouTube

Typed Notes: PDF

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Other External/Invited Talks

Higher Information: The untold topological secrets of information
Caltech; Information, Geometry, and Physics Seminar; Nov. 8, 2023

Slides: PDF

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A Probability Talk That Spaces Out
Arizona State University; Differential Geometry and Control Systems Seminar; Jan. 18, 2018.

Handwritten Notes: PDF

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(Dr.) Strangeduality or: how I learned to stop dozing off and learned to love (the) Boolean algebras
Arizona State University; Differential Geometry and Control Systems Seminar; Nov. 4, 2016.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Morse(t) I listen to this Talk?
Arizona State University; Differential Geometry and Control Systems Seminar; Nov. 11, 2015.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Functional Equations and DT-invariants from Spectral Networks: Revenge of the m-herds
Emphasis Year Workshop on Rep. Theory, Integrable Systems, and Quantum Fields (Northwestern); May 14, 2014.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Quantum Chern Simons
West Coast Algebraic Topology Summer School (UBC); July 10, 2014.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

This was a talk for a summer school; Lecture 1.4 of the description here .

This one weird trick has algebraic functions generating Donaldson-Thomas invariants from home! Sit in this talk to see why!
Kansas State Mathematics M-seminar; November 4, 2014

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

Show Abstract

Internal (Local) Talks

Homological Toolkit for the Quantum Mechanic Part III
Rutgers NHETC Subgroup Meeting; February 14, 2019.

Handwritten Notes: PDF

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Homological Toolkit for the Quantum Mechanic Part II
Rutgers NHETC Subgroup Meeting; October 11, 2018.

Handwritten Notes: PDF

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Homological Toolkit for the Quantum Mechanic Part I
Rutgers NHETC Subgroup Meeting; September 27, 2018.

Handwritten Notes: To Appear (Available on Request)

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Big Machinery in Quantum Mechanics: An Intro to Cohomology as a Tool for Quantifying Multipartite Entanglement.
Rutgers NHETC Subgroup Meeting; October 13, 2017.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Entanglement is a Global Conspiracy Encoded in a Graded Vector Space
Rutgers NHETC Group Meeting; March 17, 2016

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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Fourier-Mukai: A perspective from the village idiot
Student Seminar on Geometric Langlands (UT Austin); February 17, 2015

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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What is a Formal Derived Stack?
Derived Algebraic Geometry Seminar (UT Austin); March 25, 2015.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

This was a talk for a seminar on Derived Algebraic Geometry co-organized by Richard Derryberry and Aaron Royer. Details and references can be found here.

Get Stoked about Stokes Groupoids
Geometry and String Theory Seminar (UT Austin); April 23, 2014

Handwritten Notes: PDF

Show Abstract

Clifford Algebras and Dirac Operators
Atiyah Singer Index Theorem Student Seminar (UT Austin); June 13, 2013

Handwritten Notes: PDF

Attendee Notes (Richard Derryberry): PDF

Show Abstract

Understanding Theory X via Discrete Light Cone Quantization
Geometry and String Theory Seminar (UT Austin); November 11, 2013.

Handwritten Notes: PDF

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Bethe Subalgebras, counting, and integrability
Geometry and String Theory Seminar (UT Austin); March 20, 2013.

Handwritten Notes: PDF or tar.gz (PNG images)

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